Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Yes, I know, I'm talking far too much about movies. The topic has taken on a life of its own--but I am happy to say that it looks like it's about finished. I am fairly content with my most recent argument against the things, and got a lot out of last night's Fairfield Society presentation and discussion. I presented against movies, Daniel Silliman for, and then the entire society hacked the issue out for awhile. I think my position is less extreme than before, better considered and more liveable. Which is to say, I'm ready to stop blathering about it and go on to something more important. I'll post the basics of my presentation sometime in the next few days, and call that sufficient. I need to do some thinking about the nature of faith, and this seems as good a place as any to get some thoughts out. Expect that in the next several days.

Until then...

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