Friday, January 09, 2004


David Talcott has just posted wondering why one would want to Google Bomb Hillsdale College, specifically wondering why I would participate in such a thing. I can't speak for the others, but here are my various reasons for participating.

1) It seemed a harmless, humorous thing to do.

2) I was struck by the thought that such a few people might have the power to do such a thing and mess with the Search Engines, and wanted to see if it would work.

3) Expanding on the assertion that such a thing would be, as I said above, "humorous," I like the association of Hillsdale College with the employment section of the Michigan McDonald's website because of the oft-stated joke about what to do with a Hillsdale education.

For those not familiar with the joke, it involves someone with a business degree asking a classics major what he/she intends to do with that degree. The Classics major replies, "Oh, I dunno--mebbe flip burgers at McDonald's." Thereby said liberal education aficionado informs the business major that he's not interested in being rich and just likes classical languages.

This remains my favorite way to indicate that I still like liberal education and dismiss anyone asking what I intend to do with my highly impractical degree. Even though I am now married and fairly low on money, I don't in the least bit regret my choice of major or college. I'd rather flip burgers than not know Greek--and if it ever comes to that, I won't complain.

At least, not too much. ;)

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